IARD Conference Pages
Standing Committee
IARD 2014 Meeting
IARD 2014 Poster
Conference Poster

Local Organizing Committee:

Ronald L. Mallett
University of Connecticut

Philip Mannheim
University of Connecticut

James O'Brien
Wentworth Institute of
Technology and University
of Connecticut


International Organizing Committee:

Benoit Famaey
University of Strasbourg

Tepper L. Gill
Howard University, USA

Lawrence P. Horwitz
Bar Ilan University, Israel
Tel-Aviv University, Israel

Martin C. Land
Hadassah College, Jerusalem









The 9th Biennial Conference on Classical and Quantum Relativistic Dynamics of Particles and Fields

University of Connecticut (UConn)  ♦  Storrs, CT, USA
9 - 13 June 2014


May 23, 2014

Dear IARD/PT colleagues:

Everything is pretty much in place for the conference. Attached is a pdf file giving the schedule of talks. Modulo some possible last minute adjustments, it should be the final version. We were able to accommodate everyone who submitted an abstract, with all talks being plenary talks. Each speaker will have 50 minutes with 10 minutes for discussions. Please check over the schedule, and if the time slot we have assigned for you is not convenient, then please let me know at once so we can make adjustments as needed. If you have not yet sent in a title and abstract, then please do so at once so that we can include them in the final schedule. If you have decided not to attend then please let me know at once. Please email me an electronic version of your talk (pdf or power point), so we can upload it to the conference computer. There will not be enough time to enable people to hook up their own laptops to present their talks.

A link to the schedule is also available on the conference registration page.

If you have not yet paid all fees, please do so at once (as described on the conference registration page at http://www.regonline.com/iardpt2014 as linked through http://www.iard-relativity.org/iard2014/). We have waived the late registration fee.

For the IARD participants: information regarding the proceedings is available from Martin Land at martin@multinet.net.il

For the PT participants: while there will be no proceedings for the PT part of the conference, the participants to this summer's Storrs, Jerusalem, and Setif PT meetings are invited to contribute to a special PT-themed issue of the International Journal of Theoretical Physics. For details please contact Miloslav Znojil at znojil@ujf.cas.cz

All conference talks, meals and coffee breaks will take place in the University of Connecticut (UConn) Physics Building. The lectures will be in P121, the breaks, lunch and banquet will be in the adjacent P103, the physics library.

The physics building is next to the north parking garage in the top right hand corner of the downloadable campus map, and is readily identifiable by the white hemispherical observatory on its roof. The north parking garage is at the intersection of Hillside Road and North Eagleville Road.

For a general overview of the campus an interactive campus map can be found at http://www.uconn.edu/storrs-campus.php

A downloadable campus map can be found at http://www.uconn.edu/pdf/wholemap.pdf

Internet wireless connection is available throughout the campus at no charge. No password is required. Go to http://wireless.uconn.edu/uconn-guest/, where the instructions are self-explanatory. The Nathan Hale Hotel has its own wireless, which its guests can access at no additional charge.

Transportation information for individuals and directions to get to Storrs can be found on the physics department web site at http://www.phys.uconn.edu/visitor-info

For those who have requested transportation from Bradley airport, arrangements will be made directly for you by Amanda Whitehead (amanda.whitehead@uconn.edu) and she will be in contact with you, though you can read up on everything at http://transpo.uconn.edu/#shuttleAirport

For residence hall accommodation, the Rome Housing Desk is open from 7am-11pm daily for guests to check in. If guests arrive after hours or if they need anything related to housing on site they can call the Housing Desk at 860-486-2697. Also please visit the residential life website at http://www.reslife.uconn.edu/conf_housing.html for more information. (The uconn-guest wireless instructions above update the ones on the residential life web site.)

The Rome Housing Desk is in the Rome Commons at 626 Gilbert Road Extension, which is directly across from the main entrance to the Nathan Hale Hotel (855 Bolton Rd) in the top left region of the campus map. The housing office is on the far side of the Rome Commons building on the ground floor. It is on the side of Rome Commons farthest from the Nathan Hale hotel, in on the right at the end.

The assigned residence hall for the conference is Snow Residence Hall in South Campus, which is adjacent to Rome Commons. (info at http://www.reslife.uconn.edu/south_campus.html).

Breakfast for residence hall guests will be served in the nearby McMahon Dining Unit between 7:00am and 9:30am daily, with the cost of breakfast being included in the residence hall fee. Attendees not staying in the residence hall can eat breakfast in McMahon by paying $7.40 plus tax on the spot.

Lunch is also available in McMahon from 11am to 2:00pm at $11.60 plus tax, and dinner is available from 4:15pm to 7:15pm at $14.60 plus tax.

From the residence hall and Nathan Hale Hotel area to the physics building is a ten minute walk along Hillside Road. Also there is a campus shuttle that can be used at no cost. If you take the shuttle make sure you take the one that is going to the north parking garage where you would need to get off.

The Nathan Hale hotel has on site parking for motor vehicles. Anyone else who has requested parking will be contacted by Amanda.

Also there is public parking at the north parking garage.

There are a few restaurants near the physics building, and many more in the nearby, newly developed Storrs Center on Royce circle (center to bottom left on the campus map) at the intersection of Route 195 and Dog Lane.

In the event of a medical emergency there is a walk-in UConn Medical School Urgent Care facility adjacent to the campus in Storrs Center. It is open seven days a week, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The web site is


and the address is
Storrs Center
One Royce Circle, Suite 103
Mansfield, CT 06268
Phone: 860-487-9300

The nearest hospital to the campus is in Willimantic about 15 miles south of the campus. Its general web site is http://www.windhamhospital.org/. Its 24 hour emergency room web site is http://www.windhamhospital.org/services/medical-specialties/emergency-care, and its address is
112 Mansfield Ave
Willimantic, CT 06226

For emergency fire, police, or ambulance service dial 911.

For non-emergencies the UConn police are located very close to the physics building at 126 North Eagleville Rd, Storrs, CT 06268. (860) 486-4800.

Looking forward to a great conference,


top of page Last updated 24 May 2014 <webmaster@iard-relativity.org>